Food & Emotions

Written by Heather Gerrish, MS, RDN

Emotions and food oftentimes go hand-in-hand. Feeling bored, sad, tired, happy, stressed? Emotions are a part of life and worth having to experience the ups and downs We all have emotions, but how do our emotions impact what eat and how we feel about food? Taking a step back and focusing on not only how food fuels the body, but how our mind and emotions play a role in what we eat is important in creating a healthy balance - long term.

It’s safe to say we all have times in our lives that are stressful or we feel any of the above emotions - but out of the last 10 times you felt any of these things, how many times did you actually reach for food as comfort? Or as support? This blog will dive deep into the emotional connection we often have with certain foods and how we can pinpoint certain events or triggers to manage these occurrences in a positive way that puts the power back in your hands!

Sometimes battling thoughts or emotions that otherwise would impact your decisions about food can be overwhelming, but it’s important to know that establishing a routine to help you navigate your emotions and food doesn’t need to happen overnight.

How do we acknowledge these emotions as they relate to our food choices?


What events, occurrences bring on a pattern of reaching for something comforting in the form of food? It is certain social events or stress? Recognizing these trigger points is the first step in creating a plan to take back control of your choices around food and your emotions.


What could you refocus your energy on that would be a positive component to help you reach your goals? Could you refocus this energy on an activity, spending time with family or friends, taking a walk around the house or outside?


Maybe it’s stress at work or a life event that has you worried and reaching for your favorite comfort food. Acknowledge these events and recognize your emotions as they relate to your choices and how your emotions might also be influencing other parts of your life. Talk to a loved one or someone you trust, don’t feel like you have to go at it alone!

Sometimes eating when we are bored or tired are not the only reasons we reach for that extra snack or comforting treat. Our emotions play a major role in our decisions about food, but our bodies can also play a part in influencing our food decisions. Feeling tired or sluggish could be your body telling you it is low on energy, or in need of a quick source of energy (carbohydrates!). In this case, using your new technique for recognizing what the origin of your craving is (emotions, social situation, or need for extra energy) you can attack it with confidence!

Establishing a game plan for when you are feeling hungry vs when you are physiologically hungry is a process. Of course, eating something sweet or because of a factor aside from nourishing your body is completely appropriate and normal within a healthy routine - that’s what makes us human! There will be events with food - and more food! But how you handle these situations and take control of your own decisions is what matters. With the Holiday Season here and in full force, remember these tips to help you navigate the stressed/happy/sad/joyful times ahead but also give yourself a break, we are all human and emotions and social interaction is a major part of how we enjoy food!

There are many things that can influence your decisions to eat, but being aware and knowing what your body could be trying to tell you, or what your emotions mean in terms of cravings and their impact on your food choices is a step to taking control of your nutrition and your goals!


Need some recipe inspiration? Look no further than the TLAG Recipe Booklet for fueling recipes to keep you energized and focused on recovery to help you train and reach our goals!