Holiday Series: Balance & Sweet Treats 

With the Holiday season coming up fast - how can we integrate healthy habits and balance while still enjoying the things we love and enjoy the yummy treats that are just around the corner? The key is - BALANCE

Thinking about how the Holidays might influence your emotions and how your current nutrition practice might adapt and include (with flexibility) the Holidays to come is an important area to focus on BEFORE the Holidays come around. This way, you can feel more confident and have a plan on how to integrate special occasions into your practice and not feel guilty or frustrated after indulging - but satisfied knowing that celebrations are a part of life and so is your favorite recipe! 

Here are a few concepts to keep in mind as we approach more food-centered Holidays and how you can include your favorite while still feeling confident in your nutrition practice: 

  • State your goals for the holiday season and any potential barriers you have faced in the past. It is important to highlight WHY you are going to make changes this holiday season as well as recognize barriers to watch out for and focus on while you formulate your plan.

  • Navigate Parties/Gatherings: This includes knowing where and who will be hosting holiday parties this year and planning ahead. Either speak with the host, or note from prior years what was served. If you know or suspect that there will be limited healthy options available for you, offer to bring a dish. This could include something as simple as a vegetable tray!

  • Take Advantage of Physical Activity. There are countless 5ks, Family Football games and more that are centered around the holidays. Don’t miss out on integrating more physical activity into your day - even if it’s a walk after dinner. A brisk 15-20 minute walk after a meal has shown to improve blood glucose level control (in other words, better digestion and absorption of that wonderful meal you just ate!). It’s not only a great way to spend time with your friends and family, but also a great way to help your body metabolize the macro and micronutrients you just enjoyed!

  • Don’t deprive yourself. This might come as a surprise, but also this is not the green light to overindulge in every meal you have around the holidays. It’s important to acknowledge and accept that the holidays are surrounded and in some cases - focused - on food. Completely ignoring cravings and emotions surrounding the variety of goodies served around the holidays can lead to overindulgence and even bingeing tendencies later on (especially when emotions come in to play). Pay attention to how you are feeling and make sure that you dive into those cravings - just in moderation and after filling up on a hearty serving of fruits or vegetables.

Overall, the holidays are a time to be thankful for what you have and that goes for your body and mind as well! Be thankful that you have the ability to fuel your body with nutritious, filling foods and also partake in fun holiday gatherings. Keep these tips in mind during your next holiday party or as you enter into the holiday season. Know that you are in charge and you can make healthy choices, but also make time to enjoy the little things (even that small serving of Halloween candy or pumpkin pie!)