Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Experiences

Throughout the month of May, we shared Lori’s incredible 3-part “comeback journey” in all its glory, and heartbreak. Today, I want to share with you why your journey matters and it all starts with this concept of “stop making excuses and start making experiences.” 

Perhaps I should back up a little… when we make an excuse it often stems, at its very root, from fear. Most often, the fear of failing. I’ve spoken before about the fear of failure previously in my blog about “How To Get Over The Fear Of Trying Something New,” but today I want to focus on some concepts that have helped me overcome various obstacles in my life.

It’s very straightforward and takes minimal effort to commit to. Let me explain…

Have you ever heard of the “When I am… I will…” practice? To me, it is the practices I have created for myself to put into play when I am feeling a certain way - good or bad.

When I am feeling down on myself, I will remind myself of what I have accomplished.

When I am feeling grateful, I will allow myself to consider all the opportunities that have led me to this moment.

When I am not feeling great in my skin, I will remind myself of all my body has overcome.

When I am feeling confident, I will ponder on what parts of my being I am the most proud of.

When I am needing a minute to myself, I will place my hands over my heart and take deep, cleansing breaths.

When I am feeling joyful, I will close my eyes and take in all that is fueling my joy, imprinting it on my soul.

When I am feeling like a skill or workout won’t happen, I will remind myself to meet my body wherever it is physically capable that day.

When I am feeling capable, I will empower myself to show up as my most authentic self in that moment to take full advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead.

When I am not feeling strong, I will enlist myself to consider the strength I have encompassed to get me where I am today.

When I am feeling balanced, I will step back and think about what practices enabled this balance in my life.

We need to feel all of our feelings in order to know what each feeling truly means to us. In doing so, we can stop making excuses and start making experiences.

If you try out this practice, let me know how it went! Message us on Instagram, write to us on Facebook or send us an email. We would love to hear from you :)

Until next time, 

Xo- Serena