How To Get Over The Fear of Trying Something New

The thing is, I don’t actually think I can’t do them, but rather I am afraid of failing. And this very fear of failure is what keeps me from trying in the first place. Let me let you in on a little secret… If we never try, we can never succeed. But of course, we all know that already so let me go one step further… There is no such thing as trying and failing, rather by just putting ourselves out there and committing ourselves to trying, we are succeeding in the most important skill of all - learning.

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Rising Together

“The most inspiring women in a female-dominated industry are those that set aside their girliness. They don’t get caught up in jealous games, they promote other women for their work, and they show their support for people that may have more talent than they do. They forget about any sort of competition among their team.” Inspiration today and every day to lift others up. After all, we are all on the same team.

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How & Where Do I Start?

And just like that you started again. I knew you could… and deep down, you knew you could too. I’m so proud of you - for showing up, for putting in the work, for investing in yourself, for being YOU. And if you’re searching for some guidance on what exactly these workouts you are going to be starting again should look like - you have come to the right place. This Train Like a Gymnast website it flooded with information, resources and allies in this journey. Thanks for stopping by!

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Our Complicated Relationship With Gymnastics Culture

Not to spoil the ending here, but to answer this question… of course not. I am so much more than just a gymnast, and I know that now. But the thing about gymnastics is that our relationship with the sport is so complicated. To say I am disappointed right now is an understatement. The gymnastics world has failed me, and so many others, in so many ways. But even more so than disappointed, I am heartbroken. This sport is SO incredible - I mean look at how many incredible traits is can instill in us - if handled properly and in a healthy way, this sport is unmatched. So, all to say, let’s be a part of the positive change and monumental shift to a healthy gymnastics culture. And programs like Train Like a Gymnast are a great place to start.

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How To Overcome Setbacks

Let’s talk the dreaded, the soul-crushing, the deflating, the disappointing… the inevitable, setbacks.

We dedicate ourselves to the steps, we commit ourselves to the process, we challenge ourselves to overcome and setbacks happen anyway. So what’s the point? If we know we will inevitably wind up taking steps backward at some point, why should we continue stepping forward?

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Imposter Syndrome In Adult Gymnasts

Hello, again! Or welcome new friends! Either way, I am thrilled you have landed here. Let’s dive right in and explore the wide world of adult gymnastics for a bit…

Are you starting gymnastics as an adult with no experience? Wondering is 20 is too old to start gymnastics? Questioning can I become a gymnast at 30? Unsure if it is too late to become a gymnast? Or maybe, you just don’t know how to start (or re-start) gymnastics at all? Perhaps it’s one of these very questions that landed you here and rest assured, I intend to uncover some answers for you.

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Getting Into Gymnastics As An Adult

What do you feel it is? Why is it that we all gather together on this Train Like a Gymnast website and we long for the days of being a gymnast? Well, rest assured, we no longer need to long. We can fully assume our gymnast souls and immerse ourselves in the training, balancing, stretching, grounding and flipping content spread all throughout this website.

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Recovery Nutrition

Recovery is a vital component to any training regimen - and essential for daily life! Recovery can mean something different for everyone. Maybe recovery is integrating a period of rest between training sessions or increasing how many hours of sleep you get a night. Ultimately, recovery is a way that the body can reset and get ready for another round (may that be for day to day tasks, training or energy for work/school/life), but how do you “recover” well? This article will review how to practice recovery nutrition and variables outside of your nutrition intake that can influence your ability to recover efficiently.

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Common Food Allergies and Intolerances

Try to remember the last time you had a stomach ache or felt “off “ after eating a certain food. It’s not hard for some of us, and even easier to imagine if you have a food intolerance. There are specific differences between food intolerance and a food allergy. This blog will review the differences between these two terms and what to watch for .

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All About Micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins - what pops into your mind first when you think of vitamin K or iron? Supplements? A multivitamin? Fruits and vegetables? Whatever your initial thoughts are, this blog is designed to explain how to best approach the concept of supplementation (representative of clinical application of nutrition science and nutrition therapy) and how our nutrient status can affect our health. Additionally, the hope of this post is to get you thinking about the world of supplements and become a more educated consumer on the topic and make informed decisions on what you elect to supplement or put in your body.

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Heather Gerrish
Superbowl 2020: Snack Recipe Pull

Another year, another SUPERBOWL! Which commonly is associated with some very savory snacks - so what can we do to continue new promises to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle this year (and beyond!)? Spending time with family and friends is special and can fill your cup outside of healthy eating and exercise, but long term success is the integration of these factors into one.

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Heather Gerrish
Why is Health Important to YOU?

Sometimes we need a break - with life flying by and our days packed to brim - it can be difficult to take a step back and look at your health and how your daily activities might be influencing your choices, both short and long term. Taking note of what you currently do and establishing where you “want to be” in terms of your individualized nutrition practice is important from time to time to ensure that you are recognizing change and striving to be the best you can be! 

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Heather Gerrish
Smart Snacking

Fueling your body for an event, workout or for some extra energy in the afternoon can all be influenced by nutrition. By focusing on pre and post-workout fueling practices, you can help your body prepare and repair as you progress in your training and have the energy you need to tackle the hustle and bustle of our busy lives! Find your snack-inspo here and develop your own personal fueling routine to keep you energized and excited about your personalized nutrition practice!

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Roadblocks & Barriers

Success. What does it take to “get there”? What does “success” mean to you?

Defining what our goals are is very aligned with the thoughts and discussions relative to the “new year” - I see you 2020 Nutrition Goals! But taking a step back and looking at what potential barriers might present and cause any change in your plans, potential roadblocks or even areas where you have struggled in the past is vital to establish a plan of action to overcome any barriers that might pop up in your journey. Find your direction and journey this week with setting up a plan to break down barriers this New Year!

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Intention and Accountability: Nutrition Goals for 2020

What helps make you accountable? Is it your family? Environment? The support of friends and family? Being in a group of fantastic girls who all want to see each other succeed?

If you have struggled in the past with accountability, or “staying on track,” this is for you. We make decisions all day, every day - but it’s what we choose that puts us ahead or can set us back in terms of reaching our goals. So why is this analogy so simple, but actually making good choices so difficult? Find out more on how to create SMART goals that you can follow long term.

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Heather Gerrish
Reflection: Your Nutrition Practice - 2019

What has this year meant to you? What have you done differently that has changed your path, or maybe helped you to focus on the same road to your goals?

It’s important to not only look ahead at what you hope to strive for and achieve but also what you have accomplished. Nothing is too small to celebrate and no one task is too big to dream of. You all have put in WORK to get here, so celebrate a little!

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Food & Emotions

Emotions and food oftentimes go hand-in-hand. Feeling bored, sad, tired, happy, stressed? Emotions are a part of life and worth having to experience the ups and downs We all have emotions, but how do our emotions impact what eat and how we feel about food? Taking a step back and focusing on not only how food fuels the body, but how our mind and emotions play a role in what we eat is important in creating a healthy balance - long term.

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